Buenas Tardes everyone! Espero que todo esté bien!Y he aqui, quien mete su hoz con su fuerza atesora para si, de modoque no perece, sino que trae salvación a su alma.What a week! I love Kansas!The time continues to fly by so fast as the Lord hastens His work andbrings so many miracles to pass each and every day. One of the ways Heis hastening His work is by helping us unite as missionaries andmembers. So many times, I feel like we see it as two different works,member work and missionary work, when it's all the same work ofsalvation. The Lord's work. "For behold, this is my work and my glory,to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." I just lovebeing a missionary for that exact reason! To be able to see the lightof Christ work within people as they feel the love of God more intheir lives through this Gospel makes every trial and struggle worthit!I don't have a ton of time this week, but I want you all to know thatthings are great! Trials and joys every day! And every day is a greatday to be a missionary! I love you all and hope you have an amazingweek!Love,Elder Murphy
Buenas Tardes everyone! How are things going? I hope you all had a stellar week!Una obra maravillosa está a punto de aparecer entre Los hijos de Los hombres.Things here in Garden City are going great! We are seeing miracleseveryday and the Lord's hand in every detail of His work. Joe and Rosahave been so prepared to live this Gospel and follow Jesus Christ asthey implement Him into their lives. Miracles happen everyday allaround us. All we need to do is open our eyes and ears to them. If Godis the same today, yesterday, and forever and performed miracles inancient times, then of course miracles will continue to happen today!Ether 12:6 says, "I would show unto the world that faith is thingswhich are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because yesee not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of yourfaith." I know that a witness, or testimony and understanding, ofsomething is always proceeded by a trial of our faith. Our capacityfor understanding must be stretched and grown to create more space fora greater witness and they ability to see more miracles. Trials aretemporary, but if we cultivate it, testimonies and understanding areeternal.I hope you all have an amazing week! Remember "to the stars throughdifficulties". I love you all and am grateful for your examples.You're always in my prayers.Love,Elder Murphy
Buenos Tardes everyone!! Como se van?
Pedid y recibireis; llamad y se os abrirá.I hope you all had an amazing past two weeks! They sure did fly by!We've been working a lot with Joe and Rosa and they are so acceptingand understanding of the Gospel and what they need to do to comecloser to Jesus Christ! The Lord definitely prepares His children andleads us as His instruments to those who are prepared and will listen.As a Garden City Ward and a mission, we are really focusing on beingunited with the members to be full purpose missionaries. Tons ofprophets and apostles have spoken about really and truly uniting withthe members as the Lord hastens His work. Many miracles have come inthe Lord's strength as we've done that.I don't have a ton of time, but I want to testify to you all thatprayer truly is powerful. God, our Heavenly Father, loves us perfectlyand wants us to speak to Him through prayer. He cares so much andwants to help us. If we ask, He will answer. It may not be in the waywe expect, but it will be an answer and will be to help us reach ourfull potential.Have an amazing week! I love you all and you are always in my prayers!Love,Elder Murphy